More Past History: The Role of Technology in Your Economic Development

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Technology is good. Innovation is great. Applied technology even better than those. and the combination of innovation, and perhaps several applied technologies, superb. What is Applied Technology?  It may be easier to define what it is not.  It is not basic or research technology.  I think of basic or research technology as those activities that…

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AutoCAD Seminar for Students

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This is a free seminar limited to the first 5 students that apply. Students will be introduced to the AutoCAD design tool. They will learn the basic operation of AutoCAD, use of the most common tools including lines, arcs, circles, dimensions, alignment, hatching, layers, colors, scaling, rotating, mirroring, creating templates, file conventions, and more. The…

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Some Past History of Organizational Turnarounds

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Taking the rudder and steering an organization in different directions is becoming more common as the meantime between business disruptions has gone from years to months.  You may have a need for a turnaround executive and perhaps you don’t really realize it. Over the past 30 years I have had the opportunity to engage in…

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Being Effective on the Board of Directors


You have just been elected, selected, volunteered, appointed or maybe you were a name in a legal formation document, but now you are a member of a Board of Directors. Visions of movies with powerful board scenes such as “Margin Call”, “The Iron Lady”, and “the Sum of All Fears” dance through your head. A…

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